Women's Wellness Circle: Last Wednesday Of Every Month At 4PM EST/1 PM PST
Women's Wellness Circle Launch Event Registration
Women's Studies Online warmly welcomes you to our first ever Women's Wellness Circle event on Wednesday April 30, 2025, at 4pm EST/1pm PST. This event is open to all women! You may join this open circle without being a member of WMST.
Women's Wellness Circle is a Women's Studies Online educational initiative aimed at prioritizing women's unique biological and social health and wellness needs throughout our life stages. Through educational presentations, guest speakers, resource sharing and virtually-based discussions, we'll learn about health and wellness - broadly defined - within this circle.
The goal of this circle is to provide a woman-centered space that prioritizes and addresses our unique health and wellness needs, combats the ongoing health impacts on women affected by poverty and male violence against women in Canada, and provides a space where women can connect with each other.
In this circle, we'll bring in complementary and alternative medical (CAM) knowledge, as well as conventional medical ideas and practices. By sharing women-centered information, we can make more informed decisions to enhance our wellness.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” ~Audre Lorde
Max Dashu Presents Healers, Curanderas, and Medicine Women
A visual talk on women healers and herbalists, their healing ceremonies and ways of clearing blocked or trapped energies. We look at ecstatic healers such as Maria Sabina (Mazatec, Mexico); Essie Parrish (Kashaya Pomo, California); and Katjambia (Himba, Namibia). We learn about healers from the Philippines, Korea, South Africa, Hungary, and Wisconsin; among the Aztecs, Kirghiz, Karok and Yurok, Irish and Welsh, Thai, Ainu, Tibetan, Black Carib and Dayak. And a widespread stories about Women Who Revive the Dead.
About Max Dashu
Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document women's history and heritages from the most ancient times to the present, globally (www.suppressedhistories.net and Suppressed Histories Archives on FB). She is internationally known for her expertise on iconography, matricultures and female spheres of power; medicine women, witches, and the witch hunts; and the interconnections between patriarchy, conquest, and systems of domination.
She is the author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Culture, 700-1100 (2016) and Women in Greek Mythography: Pythias, Melissae and Titanides (2023). Her unfolding open access book, Magna Mater, Paulianity, and the Imperial Church (2024-25) lays out the origins of church-state authoritarianism and persecution. Her videos include Woman Shaman: the Ancients (2013) and Women’s Power in Global Perspective (2008), along with open access videos at https://www.youtube.com/@maxdashu/videos
Max blogs daily on the Suppressed Histories Facebook page, followed by 254,000 people internationally. She teaches online courses and visual webcasts, and has guest-lectured at scores of universities and international conferences.
Q&A And Discussion To Follow Max Dashu's Visual Presentation
At Women's Studies Online we strive to raise feminist consciousness by centering women's knowledge and herstories. By exploring complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and conventional medicine we are in no way treating, diagnosing or prescribing treatments for health conditions. We encourage participants in this circle to seek medical advice from qualified healthcare practitioners.